一生二 二生三 ——素攀孔院泰国内政部中文培训班开枝散叶呈盛貌

受新冠肺炎疫情影响,2020523日由泰国川登喜大学素攀孔子学院承办的泰国内政部第一期“促进中国—东盟合作”中文培训班举行了线上结业暨第二期培训班线上开班仪式。仪式结束后,泰国内政部中文培训班负责人瓦萨娜·塔察维基萨安博士(Dr. Wasana Techavijitsarn, 素攀孔院泰方院长蔡淑雅博士(Dr. Apiradee Polprasert)以及授课教师曹思远共同商议了为泰国各府三百名基层公务员提供线上中文培训直播课程的具体方案。



第一期培训班共有21名学员顺利结业,结业学员都继续参加第二期培训。第二期培训在川登喜大学网络技术部门的大力支持下,授课平台由Line转移到了Microsoft Teams. 川登喜大学网络技术部门专门为此次培训组建了技术服务团队,并对授课教师进行了操作技术的培训。新授课平台的课堂录像功能将全程记录课堂活动,为学员课后复习提供视听支持;线上作业评估功能不但能将作业评估细则公布在班级频道中,同时还能展示各项作业评估细则所占权重,更好地指导学员进行课后练习,而且教师也可以在评分之外给学员提供作业质量的反馈,对作业中出现的问题提供针对性的指导意见;云盘的文件保存空间与时间更长,能为学员提供更多的复习时间。授课教师与各参训学员都相信有了新平台新功能的支持,第二期培训的教学效果将更上一层楼。

此外,根据泰国内政部与素攀孔院达成的合作意向,即将上线的直播课程将结合泰国内政部中文培训班的线上教学经验,通过川登喜大学的线上直播平台以及WBSCWork-Based Blended Learning and Technological Scaffolding System)系统,为分布在泰国各府的基层公务员提供线上中文教学服务。


One Turns to Two and Two to Three

CISDUS’ Chinese Course for Thai Ministry of Interior Blooming as Such


Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the first session of the "Promoting China-ASEAN Cooperation" Chinese course for the Ministry of Interior of Thailand, organized by Confucius Institute of Suan Dusit University at Suphanburi (CISDUS), was closed and the second session opened on May 23, 2020 by an online ceremony. After the ceremony, Dr. Wasana Techavijitsarn, the head of the Chinese training class of the Ministry of Interior of Thailand, Dr. Apiradee Polprasert, Thai Director of the CISDUS, and the teacher Mr. Cao Siyuan jointly discussed on the next online Chinese course for about 300 grassroots civil servants in various Thai provinces.

The first Chinese training session started on March 3 and closed on April 26. From March 3 to March 17, it opened on every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30 in the meeting room of the Ministry of Interior, and after the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, it changed to use the Line’s group video chat function to provide online lectures since March 28 at 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm every Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

In that first session, the Chinese phonetic, tune and spelling rules were taught, apart from those communicative tasks of greeting, farewell, thank, apology, inquiry, introduction, shopping, ordering, bargaining and currency exchange being practiced. In addition, the degree expression, the attributive, the predicate syntactical order and the expressions of week, number, quantity and code were concurrently learned.

A total of 21 learners successfully completed the first training course, and all of them continued to participate in the second session. Under the strong support of the network technology department of Suan Dusit University, the second training would be transferred from Line to Microsoft Teams. The network technology department of Suan Dusit University specially formed a technical service team for this training and carried out an operational techniques training for the teachers. The classroom recording function of the new teaching platform will record the classroom activities throughout the course and provide audio-visual support for the learners’ after-class review; the online assignment evaluation function can not only publish the assignment evaluation rules in the class channel, but also display the various focuses of the assignment evaluation rules so as to better guide the learners to practice after class; the teachers can also provide the learners with the feedback on the quality of their homework besides grading and with targeted guidance on the problems in the homework; and the file storage space and time of the cloud disk are both expanded to give the learners more time to review their progress. Therefore, both the teachers and learners believe that with the support of the new platform and new functions, this second training will surely be further improved.

What’s more, with the cooperation agreement reached between the Ministry of Interior of Thailand and the CISDUS, the upcoming live online course will make good use of the teaching experiences of the Chinese training course for the Ministry of Interior of Thailand, through the online live broadcast platform of Suan Dusit University and WBSC (Work-Based Blended Learning and Technological Scaffolding System), to provide online Chinese language teaching services for grassroots civil servants distributed in various provinces of Thailand.